
IRV Redesign & Optimization

The Northridge Group – A Leading Management Consulting Firm

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Contact Center Optimization

Natural Language Processing

When optimizing IVR, the end-goal is often an evolution to Natural Language Processing. A Natural Language IVR allows callers to phrase the purpose of their call in a wide variety of ways as opposed to being prompted by specific phrases.

Steps toward achieving this goal may include the following:

  • Optimize Customer Experience in the IVR into a more natural, user-friendly design
  • Plan for transformation to full speech recognition
  • Initial focus to streamline toll-free numbers (TFNs) and align IVR flows to unified Contact Center structure
  • Improve access to existing self-service options and implement new capabilities
  • Integrate callback and multi-channel capabilities into IVR call flow

Our Approach to IVR Redesign & Implementation

At The Northridge Group, our IVR redesign and optimization engagements typically include an assessment and recommendations for the effective design, tuning and measurement of call routing and self-service capabilities. They may also include an assessment of current technology and, if appropriate, the identification of new technologies.

Proper design and optimization are crucial to the success of IVR technology. When appropriately optimized, an IVR will accurately reflect the brand, use clear, customer-friendly language, provide easy-to-use self-service and concise messaging, demonstrate respect for the customer’s time and leverage data to assess Customer Experience and effectiveness. Anticipated benefits of IVR optimization are:


Customer Need Focused

A focus on your customers’ needs and providing a Customer Experience that meets those needs often leads to improved customer satisfaction and retention, increased revenue and positive customer reviews.


Well-Defined Processes

Organizations with well-defined processes that are implemented effectively find efficiencies that translate directly to improved operational costs and increased customer and employee satisfaction.


Timely Information

Effective systems and tools that provide staff and customers with consistent and timely information drive opportunities for increased revenue and cost-saving efficiencies.

workforce management

Operational Metrics

Developing and implementing key operational metrics allows for effective execution, monitoring and decision-making for improved performance.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

When we look to introduce new or redesign existing Interactive Voice Recording platforms, we start simple and put ourselves in your customer's seat. This means we work to build IVR's that will create unparalleled engagement and self-service for greater customer experience results.


Our consulting model is highly collaborative and designed to maximize the value of customer Contact Centers, leveraging customer touchpoints for end-to-end, cross-functional process improvements.


When you apply our Contact Center compliance monitoring solutions, your organization can leverage a real-time focus group with thousands of data points streaming in on a regular basis.


We work hand-in-hand with you at every level of your organization, ensuring that business process improvement plans are achieved in a manner that makes sense for everyone invovled.


We leverage operational experience and best practice insights to help our clients deliver best-in-class training and coaching programs for their employees. Our targeted offerings enable leaders to focus on continuous improvement & employee development to drive better business outcomes.


Knowing how to mobilize and transform your data into meaningful insights can be difficult, but it’s also critical to your organization’s success. The Northridge Group can help you operationalize your data strategy, allowing you to unlock valuable customer insights and make informed data-driven business decisions.


When we collaborate with you to understand the opportunities your contact center has, we look at three areas: people, processes and technologies. We believe each relies on the other. Through our in-depth assessments, we determine where needs lie and provide actionable, customized solutions.

experience + excellence

The NRG Assessment

Would a full assessment of your contact center operations help you to gain a better understanding of what’s working, what isn’t …and what’s available that will work for your operation? 

We provide businesses with the tools they need to make informed decisions. Once our assessment is complete, our team of experts will work with you to build a custom solution that fits your needs. Our use of state-of-the-art technology guarantees you’ll be able to access your data whenever and wherever you need it. 

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