
contact Center AI

integrating artificial Intelligence into your existing contact center operations

AI and technology for contact centers

Contact Center Consulting

Putting the Power of intelligence in your hand

With the eruption of automated artificial intelligence (AI) tools like chatbots and voice assistants arriving in the contact center space, customers have the power to find solutions quickly, with the need to talk to a human. But that’s not enough to create long-term success. Contact center agents need predictive analytics to gain a greater understanding of customer’s needs, as well as sentiment analysis to identify their mood at the time of the call, allowing agents to pivot quickly and respond appropriately. Add in Generative AI and now agents hold the keys to resolve and desscalate issues while providing valuable information and service. 

It’s what differentiates your business from the rest. It’s the power you’ve been waiting for. 

The experts at NRG can perform an AI assessment, allowing you to identify and deploy AI tools for better Ex, CX and Opx. 

Are you ready? 

Artificial Intelligence has made a big impact on business, with the promise of more to come. Business operations can now manage how they communicate their products & services and their brand in a more streamlined way. Their customers are empowered to self-serve on their schedule, while employees are armed with tools to generate content, solve problems and concentrate on being the best loyalty ambassadors a company could hope for. It’s not just about revenue and ROI – it’s about creating such a powerful experience, that your customers will never think about going somewhere else.


Four critical areas of focus for contact center success

training in contact center

Employee Experience (EX)

Through assessment of your current training, coaching and knowledge management processes, we can identify areas of improvement and build actionable plans to build a positive employee experience, , creating a dynamic culture of success.

Inclusion and diversity at NRG is one of the cornerstones of who we are.

Customer Experience (CX)

Customer Experience (CX) encompasses every touchpoint and interaction a customer has with a business. When it’s negative, it acts as a bellwether to the rest the rest of the company, signaling that something is broken. We work to identify the broken and build actionable strategies for repair.

women working on laptop pulling reports, data, statistics and monitoring

Digital Experience (DX)

We work to help organizations fully utilize their current tools while acquiring and implementing new ones, like Artificial Intelligence, needed for optimum effectiveness, creating the best holistically digital experience for both internal users and customers.

workforce management

Operational Excellence (OpX)

To reach excellence in your operations means everything works in unison – a pull to a push, like an engine. We look at the total operation, breaking it into pieces and assessing each one, building a strategy toward maximum efficiencies, greater ROI, and higher revenue.

experience + excellence

The NRG Tech Assessment

Would a full assessment of your current technology platforms help you to gain a better understanding of what’s working, what isn’t …and what’s available that will work for your operation? 

We provide businesses with the tools they need to make informed decisions. Once our assessment is complete, our team of experts will work with you to build a custom solution that fits your needs. Our use of state-of-the-art technology guarantees you’ll be able to access your data whenever and wherever you need it. 

Meet Our Clients

They Believe In Us

Over 90% of our clients are repeat customers who have gone on to refer us to others. We are the firm that companies trust for contact center consulting. 

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